I love working hard
I love having goals and plans
I love seeing results
I love living to the full
but I've realized that to live fully I need to rest fully too
I need time to listen deeply to my heart so I know the direction my energy needs to flow
resting helps me know my own self
I long to please others and make others happy - and so it is hard to hear my own voice
what is right for my life? what is my own desire?
through resting and being still - I again find that inner voice
It has been a hard thing to learn that in following this inner voice, I bring my best gift to the community
I was taught about self-sacrifice - and that is my best gift ...
I think that many of us who grew up in the church have been confused about the words of Jesus...
that if we 'lose' our lives we will find them
and the 'last' shall be first
these words have been used in ways that have brought tremendous guilt about knowing our true selves.
I personally believe that it is only in knowing our true selves - that we can then offer
our true selves
authentically in service
and this is freedom
and I truly believe this is what Jesus was getting at.
So we start with celebrating being a created being
made in Love
do you ever wonder why you are here?
and just the simple fact that you are here?
you are here!
you are breathing
isn't that a wonder in itself?
to then discover what a wonder you are - is perhaps your holy work
to be all
that you have been created to be for the world we live in
is your holy task
and your joy
and what will bring you life
it is then that you can 'lose' your life as you offer your true essence
and then you will truly find it
I believe it is through rest and times of stillness that we find again
our souls
our deepest selves
and that is our gift to bring
to each other and to LIFE.