Thursday, December 09, 2010
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
This Saturday - November 13, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
home of Walt & Elsie Goerzen 46400 Stevenson Rd Please RSVP 604-858-9679
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Your partnership in songs of hope
to be released Spring 2011
...a musical venture with the passion to bring hope, healing, and inspiration
I have an opportunity to record songs of Hope, Healing and Inspiration in January of 2011.
I am so excited to share these songs with the community, but I know that I need the support of the greater community to help make this dream a reality.
This album will be filled with original songs that have come out of the stories of life these past 2-5 years. They are unique songs that connect with our souls and our journey; big and gentle sounds coming out of deep joys as well as deep sorrows. They are sounds that call us to live with authenticity, trust, and hope. They also invite us to taste of Love shining even in our darkest moments.
These are songs I want to share with as many people as I can. We all need songs to sing in our darkest hours that call us into deeper truths and freedom. These are songs that have come to me like gifts and have powerfully touched my own life and I want to share them with the world.
if you would like to partner with me in this project- go to:
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
the labyrinth
the symbolic walk of choice & letting go
Life is funny sometimes. You have these moments of utter clarity about the next step. And so you make a choice to make that step and then suddenly it seems you are going backwards and wondering what just happened. It seems that life is full of choices, taking risks, moving forward into the unknown - a sign of personal freedom to affect the outcome of one's life.....choice. And then there is this flip side - how things just seem to happen and you find yourself belly up - or face in the dirt. How did that happen? It seems that there are situations completely beyond one's control - and that one has a choice in that moment too - to accept the reality or to fight it.
When I walk the labyrinth, I remember all these things - my choices as well as the circumstances in my life I have no control over. The labyrinth seems so symbolic of stepping forward yet at the same time experiencing going backwards while still moving towards the centre. It is an interesting experience to walk in 20 minutes what can be so symbolic of life itself.
It seems like a journey of trust - trusting to take risks and also trusting in the moments of surrender to what is beyond me.
If you get a chance - walk the labyrinth.......I'd love to hear how your expereince is!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Monday, June 07, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010 8pm-9pm
Why come?
This hour is filled with song, prayer, silence and open space.
This hour is for you to drink in beauty, rest and soul-food.
The songs from Taize are like simple phrases, that when repeated a few times, become something a person can meditate on.
For example, the Latin phrase will be sung: Da pacem cordium
This means.....Give peace to every heart.
To sing this together is prayer....
We all hold the stories of our lives; joy, pain, thankfulness and sadness...
We all long for peace of heart and peace of heart for those we love and peace of heart for all humanity. In singing this simple phrase together, we pray together something powerful.
In the words of Richard Rohr; prayer is not seen as telling God what to do but "to experience our dependence on the great mystery".
Acoustic instruments such as harp, guitar, recorder & violin will be played during the service.
I will also be using a new singing bowl (new to me that is) that is over 100 years old.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Even though this song was really hard to record in that moment, it became a way to express the reality I was experiencing in that moment. I am dedicating the funds from the sales of this single to the Christian Friesen Memorial Scholarship Fund . Please buy this song and pass it on to others!!! It is a song about hope and Love shining - even in our darkness.
LOVE SHINES available here.